Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Getting Struts/ Tomcat setup with Netbeans.

Started a new job where I KNOW that everything will be Java, Struts and Hibernate mishmashes.

Basically, to keep this from being painful as possible I'm going to get practiced. So the first step was to get this framework working on my laptop for testing.

Right now I'm Running Mint 12 on a T410. It pretty stable aside Gnome acting up occasionally and Flash player doing crazy things to my display. I installed NetBeans 7.1.2 using the installer script on the website. It said it cam with Glassfish and Tomcat, now I know for a fact the use Tomcat so thats what I tried to get running.

For some reason Tomcat did NOT install with NetBeans. So I downloaded the latest stable Tomcat from tomcat.apache.org - which was Tomcat 7.0 and started a new project with the default Struts (1.3.x?) ad default Hiberate (3.6.x?) that comes packaged with Netbeans.

Right away I got errors: first fix was:


sudo chmod 777 *.sh 

None of the scripts were set to executable permissions. Ok, fixed that.

Then I had to set up a user because for some reason Tomcat doesn't just have a default? Whatver:

Inside tomcat/config/tomcat-users.xml

  <role rolename="manager-script"/>

  <user username="root" password="test" roles="manager-script"/> 

Great OK. Wait. Nope. Didn't work... Oh wow and NetBeans just crashed! Without an error message either- how user friendly!

Okay... Lets try Tomcat v.6 I think I remember that working OK in the past...

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